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Babylon 5
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Babylon 5
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One of the best science-fiction TV series of the '90s. Even with its low-budget computer effects and alien makeup, the characters and writing is what makes the show so entertaining (most of the credit goes to J. Michael Straczynski). A five-year story arc which we don't see too often nowadays, and is executed well.
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I agree completely. I wouldn't even call the computer effects "low budget". Sure, on a TV budget, but they started out serviceable and became stellar.

You had a HUGE story arc which told of the sweeping arcs of power in the galaxy. You had dramatic events that mattered. And all the characters were fundamentally changed in ways when all was said and done.

I also recently viewed Crusade on DVD. DAMN SHAME that show didn't get a chance to live up to it's potential. Damn shame.
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Posted:     Post subject:

Great show. Too bad some of the stars have become mega-right-wing radio hack jerkoffs. Kinda ruins it for me.
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In general I choose to think of the actors within the confines of the show and leave RL politics outside of that frame, otherwise the volume of left leaning tree hugging artsies would certainly ruin my fantasy

Seriously, I love the series for what it is/was and don't really care where and actor may go irl.

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I've met Jerry Doyle, actually. Got his auto and heard him speak at a Con in Dallas. Between that and watching his acting work, and as a radio guy myself, I thought, "This guy would be great on air". Well, guess what?

Truth is, even tho he leans to the right, I wouldn't call him a right wing idealogical blowhard, say, like Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. I'm a lefty, myself, but have some views that lean more towards the right side of the aisle. He's not in their camp, trust me on this.
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Posted:     Post subject:

Sorry for hijacking the post there rayman...

B5 is indeed a favorite of mine. The story continuation and multiple concurrent threads I really enjoyed. Many of the personalities presented were great - it had that mix of humor and tragedy that personally enjoy. The sad part was that the story ended up sort of wrapped up in 4 years then extended back to 5, and lost its proper pace. But overall, extremely well done show.

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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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bimpavidus wrote: Sorry for hijacking the post there rayman...

No problem.

So will there ever be a Babylon 5 motion picture? Two actors have passed away, so I don't think it should happen. Your thoughts?
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April 7, 2006
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I'd be surprised if they *did* make a B5 movie, but I'd certainly watch it. Smashing show.
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Posted:     Post subject:

rayman wrote: bimpavidus wrote: Sorry for hijacking the post there rayman...

No problem.

So will there ever be a Babylon 5 motion picture? Two actors have passed away, so I don't think it should happen. Your thoughts?

Sure it should happen. The way JMS told his stories, he had contigencies if he lost any of the mains. If he has a good story, he should go for it. If we get "Car 54 the Movie", damn straight we should get B5
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Posted:     Post subject:

I would love a B5 movie (or two). This was an amazing series. But then again, that's why I'm on this forum

I don't really know, but I suspect that this series just doesn't have enough of a following, and I'm not sure anyone is willing to fly the flag and try to get a motion picture made. B5 seems to be a little lower key in its fanbase than most of these other series. But, as above, I personally would like to see a B5 movie - or series of movies.
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March 14, 2006
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Actually there were talks of a motion picture two years ago, JMS was pretty excited about it, unfortunately the project never made it pass the negotiations. With Richard Biggs(Dr. Franklin) and Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar) gone, it wouldn't be the same without them, and I don't want to see any other actors take the roles.
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Posted:     Post subject:

as i remember it.

The movie in question was called "in memory of shadows"
and if it were to get a big budget.. it would have been awesome.

and the problems involved in making it were, if it was to get the go ahead, it was to have some big screen actors in it as they generate return profits...

However, JMS wasnt happy with this.. and eventually the deal went down the drain...
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Posted:     Post subject:

This is a great show that isn't being shown anyplace at this point. I know Sci Fi fans in their early 20's who have no idea what B5 is.
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March 14, 2006
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It's a shame this show is not in syndication anymore, I'm thinking mostly because it's a story arc series and you can't just start watching it in the middle of a season.
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July 1, 2006
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So, your not counting "Excalibur" or "the Legend of the Rangers"
and what werev the two Actors who passed on? There was the Actor who did G'kar and who else
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